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Israël Protège le Flanc Sud-Est de l'OTAN
Par Mark Langfan
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50 derniers articles et
les articles sur Israël
Tout le monde a entendu l'histoire de Hans Christian Andersen, le petit Hollandais qui sauva son pays de l'inondation, en mettant son doigt dans une fente de la digue qui fuyait, toute la nuit, malgré le froid, jusqu'à ce que les adultes viennent faire les réparations nécessaires. Eh bien, dans le monde dystopique (1) et hostile aux Juifs dans lequel nous vivons, le sale petit secret de l'Europe est qu'Israël empêche militairement plus de 487 millions de musulmans d'attaquer le ventre méridional de l’Europe, à la frontière sud-est de l'OTAN, en Grèce, en Italie et en France du sud.
Au lieu que les pays européens "adultes" viennent en aide à Israël, ils attaquent le seul pays occidental ayant une armée qui les protège d'une avancée militaire, pratiquement imparable, d’un demi-milliard de musulmans, ayant plus de 50% des ressources pétrolières du monde. Heureusement, le 1er ministre israélien Netanyahou vient d'exposer à la lumière le secret de l'Europe lorsqu'il a proclamé : "Si Israël n'était pas là, le Moyen-Orient s'effondrerait" - J'ajouterai que les 487 millions de musulmans du Moyen-Orient s'effondreraient aux portes sud-est de la Grèce, de l'Italie et de la France de l'OTAN. (Le karma biblique - Genèse 12/3 « … et qui t'outragera je le maudirai )...
On aurait pu penser que l’ensemble de l'Europe aurait appris quelque chose du karma biblique, à la suite du massacre collectif de 6 millions de Juifs, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'Europe a assassiné 6 millions de Juifs, qui auraient inventé le monde moderne pour l'Europe, et a importé plus de 6 millions de musulmans jihadistes dans leurs villes, pour violer leurs femmes et créer des dizaines de zones interdites aux seuls non-musulmans. Mais, hélas, soit l'Europe n'a pas appris sa leçon liée aux suites de la haine des juifs, soit les haineux de l'Europe veulent essayer d'effacer l'histoire de l'Holocauste, en effaçant complètement Israël....
Tout musulman ou européen soutenant qu'"Israël est la cause de l'instabilité au Moyen-Orient" veut dire en réalité que la renaissance en 1948 d’Israël est la cause de l'instabilité. Selon eux, « si l'on éradiquait Israël, on aurait la stabilité au Moyen-Orient ».
... En résumé, Israël empêche l’effondrement du Moyen-Orient islamique dont la violence ne cesse pas … jusqu'à ce qu'il explose dans la malédiction du flanc sud-est de l'OTAN. D'ici là, l'OTAN n'aura plus rien pour empêcher le califat islamique d'effacer l'Europe occidentale de la surface de la terre. Mais l'Europe méritera chaque parcelle de la malédiction biblique de la Genèse, pour avoir aidé les musulmans à essayer d'annihiler Israël !
(1) Société imaginaire régie par un pouvoir totalitaire ou une idéologie néfaste
Israel is Southeast Flank of NATO
by Mark Langfan
Everybody has heard the Hans Christian Andersen story of the little Dutch boy who saves his country from being flooded by putting his finger in the dike all night, despite the cold, until the adults come and make the necessary repairs. Well, in the dystopian, Jew-hating world we live in, Europe’s dirty little secret is that Israel is militarily keeping a wave of over 487 million Muslims from militarily attacking into the south-under belly of NATO’s southeast border of Greece, Italy, and South France.
Instead of the "adult” European countries coming to Israel’s aid, they are attacking the only Western country with an army protecting them from a virtually unstoppable military advance by a half a billion Muslims with over 50% of the world’s oil resources. Thankfully, Israeli PM Netanyahu has just exposed Europe’s secret to the light when he proclaimed: “If Israel wasn’t here, the Middle East would collapse.” I will add that the 487 Million Muslims of the Middle East would “collapse” right on the South-East doorstep of NATO’s Greece, Italy, and France. (Biblical karma - Genesis 12:1–3)...
One would have thought that the collective of Europe would have learned about and learned from the Biblical karma following their collective mass-murder of 6 million Jews in World War II. Europe murdered 6 million Jews who would have invented the modern world for Europe, and instead imported over 6 million rampaging Jihading Muslims into their cities to rape their women and create tens of no-go Muslim-only zones. But, alas, Europe either has not learned its Jew-hating lesson, or Europe’s Jew-Haters want to try to erase the history of the Holocaust by erasing Israel altogether...
Any Muslim or European arguing “Israel is the cause of instability in the Middle east” really means that 1948 Israel is the cause of instability. To their minds, if one eradicated Israel, one would have “stability in the Middle East.”
... Israel, in sum, is preventing a Middle East Islamic “collapse” that will implode, murder, repeat, and implode, murder, repeat, until it explodes unto the curse of the South East flank of NATO. By then, NATO will have nothing to stop the Islamic caliphate from wiping Western Europe off the face of the earth. But Europe will deserve every bit of the Genesis’ Biblical Curse for its evil in helping the Muslims try to annihilate Israel!
Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak
The situation between Israel and so-called Palestinians will not change until they realise that Israel is here to stay! They need to stop terror against Israel and end occupying Jewish land - by leaving it! There are 22 Arab states (almost 60 Muslim) - only one tiny Jewish one. It is time for Muslim “brothers” around the world, who have been so concerned about plight of fake Palestinians, and have been generously subsidising their existence for over 70 years, dreaming of destruction of Israel, truly embrace and welcome fake Palestinians back!
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Delusional Dog is still Barking
Nasrallah is confident in Hezbollah victory. He said that he is “confident of victory” and that “Israel is weaker than a spider web.” “Once we could strike targets south of Haifa. Today, we can say that if Israel had sites south of Eilat, we could hit them too. All of Israel is within range of our missiles,” he said. Nasrallah presented a map of Israel in which, he claimed, 1,000 targets are marked. (A normal independent country would consider it as a declaration of war, but not Israel! Must we wait till enemies start killing Jews?)
Too Much Posturing - NO Action!
“Any war will be bigger than the 2006 war for Israel and it will put it on the brink of extinction,” Hezbollah leader Nasrallah said. Netanyahu replied by saying that if Hezbollah “dared to do something foolish and attack Israel, we would impose a crushing military blow on it and on Lebanon.” (So far, rockets are fired at Israel from Gaza freely - Start with removing enemies from Gaza first - talk is cheap!)
Citizenship - Israel Must Learn from Iraq
Iraqi parliament cancelled nationality of former Miss Iraq because she praised Israel. During her speech at the UN Human Rights Council last month, Idan doubled down on other Arab countries for dismissing Israel as a great potential ally. However, her home country is calling her a criminal! (Israel must cancel citizenship of those who support enemies and terror against the Jewish state, be it Jews or Arabs!)
Jewish Contributions to the World
George Rosenkranz, (20 August 1916 – 23 June 2019) In the early 1950s, a Hungarian Jew and Swiss-trained chemical engineer, who fled fascism as World War II engulfed Europe, together with Carl Djerassi, another Jewish chemist also refugee from Nazi-occupied Europe, synthesized the progesterone that was to be used in one of the first two combined oral contraceptive - “the pill. They have revolutionized "women’s liberation," whether you are for or against it!
The Palestinian Hamas terrorist organization staged its broadest ever military exercise on Tuesday simulating the outbreak of war with Israel. Involving all the armed units in the enclave, it took place in full sight of Israel across the Gaza border. Hamas shut down all overland passes and recalled Palestinian fishermen to port.
'Unappreciated' Israel’s intelligence
The Mossad intelligence agency and the Military Intelligence Directorate supplied information that thwarted 50 attacks in 20 countries over the past three years. A dozen terror attacks were thwarted in Turkey, despite Erdogan’s public posturing against Israel, and even when diplomatic ties were severed. (Erdogan and other international anti-Semites hate Israel but love the benefits - security and technology - that Jews and Israel provide!)
PA Must Compensate Israeli Terror Victims
The Jerusalem District Court ruled Monday that the Palestinian Authority must compensate 34 Israelis killed in 17 terror attacks in two decades. The ruling refers for the first time to attacks by all terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, on the grounds that the Palestinian Authority maintains financial support for the families of all Palestinian suicide bombers and other terrorists serving sentences in Israeli jails. (This is long overdue, but It is not enough! What about compensating Jewish-Israeli sufferers of PTSD due to random terror attacks from Gaza, and compensating for property damage, lost of productivity, and additional expenses due to the PA terrorism?)
Quote of the Week:
“In comparison with David Friedman, the US’ Ambassador in Israel, Netanyahu is far left-wing. The US administration is pulling Israel to the right and we will not be able to renew the negotiations.” - Saeb Erekat, chief PA negotiator with Israel - The question is - Why Bibi is still remaining on the 'far-Left' and unwilling to use the opportunity created by President Trump and advance the Zionist aspirations of the Jewish people?
palestinienne (AP) fait le plus mal aux Palestiniens !
Par David Israel
La véritable source de la misère palestinienne n'est pas Israël, ni l'administration Trump. C'est la direction palestinienne !
L'AP a arrêté l'homme d'affaires Saleh Abu Mayala d'Hébron, après son retour de la conférence sur l’économie du président Trump à Manama (Bahreïn) pour aider les Palestiniens.... L'initiative du président Trump s'inscrit dans le contexte de deux États palestiniens en déliquescence, celui de Judée et de Samarie et celui de la bande de Gaza.
Le mauvais gouvernement, la mauvaise gestion des ressources, la pauvreté, le gaspillage et la corruption endémique des dirigeants palestiniens se sont combinés à l'effondrement des réseaux d'eau et d'égouts, qui n'ont jamais été entretenus depuis le départ des Israéliens, et ont restreint la nourriture, les médicaments et l’électricité, pour créer les pires poches de misère sur la planète.... (car attaquer Israël/Juifs est une priorité !)
Les deux gouvernements suppriment la liberté d'expression et toute activité démocratique, et les deux préfèrent détourner leurs ressources vers la guerre contre Israël, alors que leur peuple souffre inutilement.
Ils investissent les dons reçus dans l'incitation et le terrorisme dirigés contre Israël, plutôt que dans des services publics essentiels pour leur peuple. Ils paient des salaires à leurs terroristes derrière les barreaux en Israël et, pour soutenir cette incitation, ils ont réduit de 40 % le salaire de leurs employés du gouvernement.
En même temps, les dirigeants palestiniens sont embourbés dans la corruption et la subornation.... La actifs nets d'Abbas sont estimés à 100 millions $ (Ismail Haniyeh, leader du Hamas, n'est pas loin derrière). Le Hamas recueille 5 000 $/personne auprès des Arabes qui souhaitent émigrer en Occident....
The PA Hurts 'Palestinians' Most!
by David Israel
The real source of Palestinian misery is not Israel and not the Trump administration. It’s the Palestinian leadership!
The PA arrested businessman Saleh Abu Mayala from Hebron after his return from President Trump’s Manama, Bahrain conference on economic plans to help the Palestinians...
President Trump’s initiative came against the background of two failed Palestinian states: the one in Judea and Samaria and the one in the Gaza Strip.
Bad government, mismanagement of resources, poverty, waste, and rampant corruption among the Palestinian leadership, have combined with collapsing sewer and water systems that were never kept up since the Israelis have left, and restricted food, medicine and power, to create the worst pockets of misery on the planet... (Attacking Israel/Jews is priority!)
Both governments suppress free speech and democratic activities, and both prefer to divert their resources to the war against Israel while their people are suffering needlessly.
They invest the donations they receive in incitement and terrorism directed against Israel, rather than invest in essential public services for their people.
They pay salaries to their terrorists behind bars in Israel, and to sustain this outrage, they cut the pay of their government employees by 40%.
At the same time, the Palestinian leaders are mired in graft and corruption... Abbas’ own net worth is estimated at $100 million (Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is not far behind). Hamas collects $5,000 each from Arabs who wish to immigrate to the West...